Monday, January 25, 2010

Family Resemblence

I started back at school today, which was tough for two reasons. First, I miss Jackson's evening feeding and bedtime since I don't get home until almost 9pm. I don't get to nurse him, get him ready for bed, read him his bedtime story, and rock him to drowsy (not to sleep since we want him to fall asleep on his own). Second, I had an early morning meeting at work today, meaning I didn't get to spend my morning time with him either. I really, really, REALLY missed my little boy today.

So I'm sitting in class counting the minutes until I can leave, drive the 25 minutes home and see - but not disturb - my sleeping baby, when my phone goes off. It's an email. From Aaron. I read: "Subject: Enjoy." Hmmm... I open the email to the following messsage and picture:

"are you sure he doesn't look like me?"

Thanks for always knowing how to make me smile, Aaron. And yes, there, I think he does a bit.


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