Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby Giggles

It's been a while since last we spoke. Sorry 'bout that. We've been trading sicknesses around the Fish household. It's been neither fun, nor pleasant. It's been a good two weeks since we've all been healthy, but we're all on the mend now. Thank goodness for antibiotics! Is it wrong to have antibiotic envy? Jackson gets the yummy pink bubble gum amoxicillin while I get stuck with the big white pills. I digress.

Before we all got sick, Jackson started laughing. It's this kind of stuff that makes getting out of bed in the morning all worth it. Seriously, I live for this sound! So let me put this video in context so I don't win the "Worst Mother of the Year Award." Jackson had been laughing for a couple days by the time this video was shot. This was the first opportunity we had where I could make Jackson laugh and Aaron could shoot the video. Jackson tends to clam up around the camera so you have to be kinda stealth about getting the goods. So remember that post a few weeks ago about how things that made Jackson laugh one day won't the next? Well, it happened again. We prepare our video shoot, I do my dance like a good little trained monkey, and nothing. Nothing! In jest, I tell Jackson he's killing me, and THAT makes him laugh. Go figure. So that's what this video is. Me telling Jackson he's killing me and him laughing at that fact. I should be worried, shouldn't I? Great.


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